Monday, October 25, 2010

Eight motivate the staff more dynamic model [2]

Differences in incentives

People's needs include: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respect the need and demand some level of self-realization. When a needs are met, the staff will turn to other needs. Since each employee needs are very different, on a personal and effective incentives may be no effect on others. Managers should be different for employees of their individual rewards. For example: Some employees may also want higher wages, while others may not care about wages, but hope to have the free time off. Another example: some of the employees high wages, higher wages may not be as attractive to grant him "A-class salesman," the title of great appeal, because it makes him feel that they have status and respect. Everyone has their own personality traits. Employee's personality different, they should be doing different work. And employees can work personality matching employees feel satisfied and comfortable.

Equity incentive

Fair excitation source for American psychologists Adams Equity Theory. This theory: the work of subordinate motivation and enthusiasm not only by the impact of their absolute return, more importantly, also by the relative impact of rewards. Always subordinate to their own contributions and compensation with a person and his contribution to equal conditions and remuneration compared. When this ratio is equal, there will be fairness, the ease of mind and enthusiasm for; the other hand, would lead to discontent and grievances and complaints, even slack behavior.





銆??搴旂敤淇′换婵?姳锛岃娉ㄦ剰涓夌偣锛毬?br />

銆??浜屾槸鍒囧繉杞讳俊闂茶█纰庤銆傜幇瀹炵ぞ浼氫笂锛屾湁鐖辨墠鑽愭墠涔嬪+锛屼篃鏈夊鎵嶃?璇墠涔嬪緬銆傞瀵艰?涓?畾瑕佸ご鑴戞竻閱掞紝鏄潪鍒嗘槑锛屼互鍏嶅奖鍝嶄汉鎵嶇殑鏅烘収鍜屽垱閫犳?鍙戞尌銆?br />
銆??涓夋槸鎺堜互鏉冭亴涔嬪悗锛屽繀椤昏鍏舵斁鎵嬪伐浣滐紝涓嶈妯姞骞叉秹锛屽惁鍒欏氨璋堜笉涓婄湡姝g殑淇¤禆鍜屾巿鏉冦?杩欐牱锛屾墠鑳借琚换鐢ㄨ?浜х敓鏈?匠蹇冪悊锛屼互婵?姳浠栦滑鍏呭垎鍙戞尌涓昏鑳藉姩浣滅敤銆?br />

銆??鍝堜經澶у缁村粔路瑭瑰澹爺绌惰〃鏄庯細鍦ㄦ病鏈夋縺鍔辨帾鏂戒笅锛屼笅灞炰竴鑸粎鑳藉彂鎸ュ伐浣滆兘鍔涚殑20%锝?0%锛岃?褰撲粬鍙楀埌婵?姳鍚庯紝鍏跺伐浣滆兘鍔涘彲浠ユ彁鍗囧埌80%锝?0%锛屾墍鍙戞尌鐨勪綔鐢ㄧ浉褰撲簬婵?姳鍓嶇殑3鍒?鍊嶃?鏃ユ湰涓扮敯鍏徃閲囧彇婵?姳鎺柦榧撳姳鍛樺伐鎻愬缓璁紝缁撴灉浠?983骞翠竴骞达紝鍛樺伐鎻愪簡165涓囨潯寤鸿锛屽钩鍧囨瘡浜?1鏉★紝瀹冧负鍏徃甯︽潵900浜挎棩鍏冨埄娑︼紝鐩稿綋浜庡綋骞存?鍒╂鼎鐨?8%銆?br />
銆??涓嬪睘鐨勬綔鑳戒笉琚縺鍔憋紝钘忕潃灏辨槸鏃犺兘銆傝?涓嬪睘鐨勬綔鑳藉棰嗗鑰呮潵璇存槸娌℃湁鐢ㄧ殑锛岄瀵艰?闇?鐨勬槸涓嬪睘鐨勬晥鑳斤紝鑰屼笉闇?涓嬪睘鐨勬綔鑳姐?鍥犳棰嗗鑰呭簲灏嗕笅灞炵殑娼滆兘杩涜婵?彂浣夸箣鍙樻垚鏁堣兘銆?br />
銆??杩欑瀵瑰績鐨勬縺鍔卞彲浠ュ甫鏉ユ櫤鍔涖?鏅烘収鍜屽垱閫犲姏鐨勫紑鍙戯紝婵?姳蹇冧笌婵?姳鏅鸿缁撳悎璧锋潵銆?br />



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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Next-generation iPhone were reviewed by the Ministry of Industry

Although the Apple iPhone has been introduced to China Unicom officially the mainland market, but because of the deletion of WiFi capabilities, resulting in a large number of users prefer the parallel imports, while China Unicom lost interest in iPhone version. In fact, the iPhone will soon join the WiFi function Unicom rumors, from Unicom started selling the iPhone has not stopped since the. Recently, we found the implementation of this program is conclusive evidence.

Last year in June, iPhone will enter China's message is through the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved the approval of the first radio equipment proven. Now, we have the Ministry of Industry and State Radio Monitoring Center of radio equipment approved query the database has a new discovery: April 26 that last Monday, a new Apple mobile phone has passed the approval of the radio monitoring center.

Machine model A1303, significantly different from the current sale of the A1324 (iPhone 3G) and A1325 (iPhone 3GS). The new machine name in the device column of information is cause for concern, in the original "GSM / WCDMA / Bluetooth mobile phone" basis, A1303 to join the WLAN (WAPI) features, such as rumors have said the same offer to China WAPI standard because of the support also has come the return of WiFi.

Not surprisingly, then, A1303 should be that Apple will release this summer, fourth-generation iPhone, which has entered the approval process of the facts indicates that this year, after the release of the new global iPhone may be faster to enter the domestic market.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Simple table space to talk about Visual Basic.NET transmission

VB.NET is still relatively common, so I've done some research VB.NET transmission table space out here and share with you, we want to be useful. Two databases (ltdb and epras), derived from ltdb tsts table space (user ts, including two data files) to epras


1.ltdb Exporting Transportable Tablespaces (to sysdba implementation of export) to the dmp file

2. Will ltdb the tsts tablespace to read-only

3. With the operating system command to copy the data files and dmp file to another location to another database epras use. If one server, dmp files can not copy, reproduce completed, will ltdb the tsts tablespace to read-write

4. Epras ts user database is created (this time without authorization)

5. Importing table space can VB.NET transmission (in sysdba implementation of import) to the dmp file to epras database

6. Epras the tsts table space will be changed to read and write, to ts authorized users

Benefits: and the data exp / imp than the fast, dmp files contain only 10g tablespace metadata support different platform tablespace transport, support Big Head / Head of transmission between the operating system version before the oracle can transmission characteristics of the table space can make the table space in the same architecture and operating systems migration.

In Oracle Database 10g, this limitation disappears: the same byte order as long as the operating system, you can transport tablespaces between platforms VB.NET. Some operating systems (including Windows) in the low memory address least significant byte stored using multi-byte binary data; so this system is known as low-address low-byte order. In contrast, other operating systems (including Solaris) will be most significant byte is stored in low memory addresses, so this system is known as low-address high byte order. When a low-address high-byte order of the system tried to address low-byte from a low-order system to read data requires a conversion process - otherwise, the byte order will lead to the correct interpretation can not read data.

However, when the platform in the same byte order transfer table space between the VB.NET do not need any conversion. 10g tablespace cross-platform migration, compared with 9i is to increase the use Rman to a file format conversion process.

Check the table space to be converted

EXECUTE DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK ('tswin1, tswin2', TRUE); PL / SQL procedure successfully completed. 'Is there a conflict SELECT backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp FROM TRANSPORT_SET_VIOLATIONS; no rows selected 'run rman rman TARGET / CONVERT TABLESPACE tswin1, tswin2 TO PLATFORM' Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) 'FORMAT' / tmp / rman /% U ';' in the above example, the converted file name is difficult to identify and difficult to associated with the original files 'can also use other formats for the data file named CONVERT TABLESPACE tswin1, tswin2 TO PLATFORM' Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) 'db_file_name_convert' / tmp / LTDB ',' / tmp / rman '' This will converted to retain the file name. backup / bin / conf / data / log / maint / svn / tmp /

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Click Wang Zhidong

Click Wang Zhidong

Three years ago, Wang Zhidong incident such as Sina leave a hurricane off the wind waves in the industry, now a well-settled. All times diluted, diluted Wang Zhidong cause of the catastrophe, but also dilutes the Wang Zhidong heart of depression. All the people have changed, but the constant is the ideal of loyalty to the cause. Is neither illegal nor in Wang Zhidong start all over again, click on the science and technology was born.

It is said Wang Zhidong to do business as hiking, repeated efforts to reach the peak about the time, but fell to the bottom, and then had to start climbing. All the legendary and tragic.

June 29 the second floor of the hotel in the West An Kaiyue Chamber, click on client to promote science and technology summer figure at the Wang Zhidong flash. Originally established in more than 70 seats but the accident to the more than 150 individuals, it appears that as a former standard-bearer of the Internet side, Sina "Godfather" of Wang Zhidong still has great appeal. However, there is a huge contrast to this, the media, including the author only invited to be interviewed, including three, Wang Zhidong more pragmatic, and has become more and more low-key the.

When Wang Zhidong in a speech in Taiwan, slightly dull thunderous applause. This part is welcome applause, more likely to be respect. Speaking before a friend of mine will be when Wang Zhidong, said China needs today is an ideal way to start the successor Qian Pu, persistent pursuit of talented people. I think this sentence is fair.

My initial understanding of Wang Zhidong period or Sina, when his high-spirited, the wave has been quite in the limelight is doing, a friend, we pay homage to him is true to its word Wang Zhidong, almost to him as a 'knowledge-hero' in synonymous. Later, when Wang Zhidong was suddenly thrown out of capital cyclone Sina, the shocked he once felt dejected, "Capital is ugly, bloody." Frustrating the media of speech, but the human ups and downs to the sea also Gengrang were helpless.

Wang Zhidong from Sina was forced to leave after the Friendship Hotel, rented a room in the office, click on the birth of science and technology in a recession, three years later, re-financing of 13 million hits U.S. science and technology, an IT elite fling again. Wang Zhidong keep manufacturing in the legend, and he himself became a legend.

Interview appointment time is 3:30, but was delayed for half an hour, Wang Zhidong origin. Hotel on the second floor of the public rest area, three bench fight to get together with interviews beginning this way.

This is the first time I saw Wang Zhidong, tall, Wei Pan, affinity and refined conversation. And I would have believed there is a large discrepancy in the IT field, a focus on the all-powerful figure, in my opinion not a prominent image of the awe-inspiring, more like a scholar. Interview just after the start of taking a seat, he laughed off his tie, said that can not stand this constraint. Wang Zhidong was the person who did not wish to be bound, it brought him no small career success, it also brings a certain defeat.

My curiosity was not his legend in itself, but what kind of a belief that he can be in a meeting again after the failure of success. When I asked at this time. Wang Zhidong people pondering the answer, "I put the success of career ups and downs as a self-torture. It was like mountain climbing, some people like to travel, I have no other hobbies, general wanted to do something, like a circle in IT to make things more exciting . So do today, one that amused the second is discontented. "Buddha said, the truth is like the other side, need to transition to reach. It not true that people crush the ideal of the Holy Land, Wang Zhidong with youth to transition, even with the blood to the transition.

When I asked IT to do the greatest feelings Wang Zhidong, the Wang Zhidong's first words was "bold but cautious thick-skinned." "Bold in the exclusion of mediocrity, in Zhang Xian IT circles personality is very important, I think that doing business is sometimes like gambling, going to the courage of your bet and judge, I would bet on the first windows, the second time betting on Internet, now seems the two I was escorted right. "Wang Zhidong Han natural smile continued:" do collaborative software be considered a third bet, although it is too early to break the success of collaboration, but now the achievements and trends, we are basically a good bet. "bold of Wang Zhidong to do, and successful, but do not mind a small but once told him to eat bitterness, without any signs of a case, Sina Board of Directors declared out. Wang Zhidong, after the big drop, with such an experience, but also learned to use "thick-skinned" to deal with praise and ridicule. Presumably this is only after some ups and downs a kind of state it. Honor voted down altogether, bearish, and seen through the mind also calm the.

"Process and the results are tempting, does not matter win or lose." Says Wang Zhidong. If a narrow understanding of this sentence there were bound to self-justify --- Wang Zhidong suspect, winner takes all, after all, the Chinese view of bones of the hero. But history Liubang Cheng Wang, Xiang Zi Wen, two of which are not heroes they do. Wang Zhidong came this way, the success or failure also have a non-merits and demerits, it appears to comment on the left to later generations.

By Wang Zhidong as saying the cause of both the first two Chinese Star or Internet, are making a technology follower, but this time is to do collaborative software technology leader and innovator, as the 'Devils on the Doorstep' then a search for long-term development of enterprises, we must stand in the international starting point. Wang Zhidong added: "In the whole industrial chain, we do one of the 1% that we will succeed, this internal efforts, of course, more importantly, the industrial chain broken No one wants me here, you will pushing you away. click technology is a strategic approach is to unite forces, quickly formed a strategic alliance. "words reminiscent of Sina's board of directors have used the same method to defeat Wang Zhidong, seems to be so successful people self-confidence, but failure is allow people to become wise.

"If you lose the property - you only lose a bit, if you lose the honor - you lose a lot, if you lose the courage - you put everything lost!" Goethe's famous words have been warning a lot of people do not know whether affected Wang Zhidong.

Goethe referred to the first two Wang Zhidong have once had then been lost, but courage is like a shadow with his hand in hand. Liu Huan lyrics I really like saying, "big deal all over again," talking about is when the most abjection can not lose hope, can not lose the courage to come back. This is Wang Zhidong done, is, therefore, only the Chinese Star, only the Sina, only a click, only the legend of that time and time again. Until the end of the interview, I looked at him in secret, trying to find traces of some extraordinary, but the results pity. Wang Zhidong - is such an ordinary ordinary people, silently weaving their own ideals, quietly weaving a legend.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

FTP Site Preferences

TP connection with the server, require some settings to control the site of the window file transfer capabilities. Select Edit> Preferences (Edit $ # @ 62; parameter settings), pop-up parameter setting interface.

In the Category (type) column Select Site FTP, FTP site on the following parameters can be set: Always Show specify which site (local or remote) is always in the site window, local and remote files appear in the site which the window pane (left or right). By default, the local site is always displayed in the right pane. That pane has not been selected (the default is the left pane) is the variable pane; the pane can display the site map can also display another site (the default is the remote site) files.
Dependent Files loaded in the browser when the HTML file, you are prompted to load documents at the same time (such as images, external style sheet and HTML files referenced in other files). By default, Prompt on Get / Check Out (in the download / cancel when prompted) and the Prompt on Put / Check In (uploading / registration prompt) is selected.
Note: to force the "Include Dependent Files" (including related documents) prompts these options are not selected in the case of display, press and hold the Alt key to select Get, Put, Check In or Check Out command.
FTP Connection determine the case without any action after a specified time (minutes) is interrupted and the remote sites.
FTP Time specified Dreamweaver attempts to establish links with the remote server time (in seconds). If you did not respond within the specified time, Dreamweaver displays a warning dialog box informed of this fact.
Firewall specify a proxy server to connect from behind a firewall address. If it is not located behind a firewall, this option blank.
Note: If you are located behind a firewall, in the Site Definition (site definition) dialog box? Use Firewall (firewall) option.
Firewall Port specifies the port to connect FTP server. If the port rather than through the other port 21 (default FTP port) connection, enter the port number.
Put Options specified in the upload files to a remote site before, without prompting to save unsaved files.
Define Sites pop-up Define Sites dialog box, in this dialog box you can edit an existing site or create a new site.

FTP extension by modifying the mapping file FTPExtensionMap.txt, you can customize the code to ASCII (text) or binary format, the file transfer type. Is: use Notepad to open in Macromedia / Dreamweaver / Configuration folder TPExtensionMap.txt files, modify or delete each type of transmission format, including a list of file types, you can also add your own file types. Here are some of the contents of the file example:


In that document, the first column of the specified file extension, the second column designated as text (ASCII) or binary (BINARY) format for transmission. Note that, if you want to send the file extension is not defined in this document, Dreamweaver automatically send these files in binary format,. Transmission of documents to text format, wrapping set parameter is ignored.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The entire contents of the picture box to the clipboard

VB itself does not allow you a Form, UserControl or a PictureBox on a complete picture to the clipboard. If you use Clipboard.SetData, will only copy the bitmap object loaded. By using the API method, you can go beyond this limit, to ensure all contents are copied, including any you just draw a graph.

Start a new project, in the form put a Command and a PictureBox. The PictureBox's Autoredraw property is set to 1. Then add a standard module, copy the following code into the.

Private Type RECT

Left As Long

Top As Long

Right As Long

Bottom As Long

End Type

'GDI function:

Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long

Private Const SRCCOPY = & HCC0020 '(DWORD) dest = source

'Create a memory DC:

Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long

'In memory to create a bitmap:

Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long) As Long

'To a GDI object into the DC, back to the original that:

Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

'Delete the GDI object:

Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

'Clipboard functions:

Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "USER32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "USER32" () As Long

Private Declare Function SetClipboardData Lib "USER32" (ByVal wFormat As Long, ByVal hMem As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "USER32" () As Long

Private Const CF_BITMAP = 2

Public Function CopyEntirePicture (ByRef objFrom As Object) As Boolean

Dim lhDC As Long

Dim lhBMP As Long

Dim lhBMPOld As Long

'In memory to establish a point we will want to copy the object DC:

lhDC = CreateCompatibleDC (objFrom.hDC)

If (lhDC <> 0) Then

'Create a point will want to copy a bitmap object:

lhBMP = CreateCompatibleBitmap (objFrom.hDC, objFrom.ScaleWidth Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, objFrom.ScaleHeight Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)

If (lhBMP <> 0) Then

'The bitmap selected into the DC we have just set up in and where the old store the original bitmap:

lhBMPOld = SelectObject (lhDC, lhBMP)

'Copy the contents of the objFrom to build a bitmap in:

BitBlt lhDC, 0, 0, objFrom.ScaleWidth Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, objFrom.ScaleHeight Screen.TwipsPerPixelY, objFrom.hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY

'Restoration of DC content:

SelectObject lhDC, lhBMPOld

'Now the bitmap into the clipboard:


OpenClipboard 0

SetClipboardData CF_BITMAP, lhBMP


'We are here not to delete the establishment of the bitmap -

'It now belongs to the clipboard, when the clipboard changes, Windows will we remove it.

End If

'Clear just created DC:

DeleteObject lhDC

End If

End Function

To test this method, these code to the form:

Private Sub Command1_Click ()

CopyEntirePicture Picture1

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load ()

Dim i As Long

'Painted in the PictureBox something:

With Picture1.Font

. Name = "Arial"

. Bold = True

. Size = 12

End With

For i = 1 To 20

Picture1.ForeColor = QBColor (i Mod 15)

銆??Picture1.Print &quot;;

Next i

End Sub

銆??绐椾綋鍔犺浇鍚庯紝PictureBox涓皢浼氭湁涓?簺鏂囨湰銆傚綋浣犵偣鍑籆ommand鍚庯紝PictureBox涓殑鍏ㄩ儴鍐呭閮藉皢浼氳澶嶅埗鍒板壀璐存澘閲岋紝浣犲彲浠ユ妸瀹冪矘璐村埌鍒殑绋嬪簭閲岋紝姣斿鐢荤瑪銆乄ord绛夌瓑銆?br />


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Thursday, July 22, 2010

"High quality experts" public course in Shenzhen, Suzhou, Beijing opening

To help the quality, development, production, technology and other sector quality professionals to skilled statistical analysis applied to quality improvement work, to make statistics analysis "speak with data", "Judgement and decision making based on data" advantage, JMP China will hold a day in Shenzhen, "senior quality experts" open training courses.

For the quality, development, production, process engineer and head of departments and various levels of Six Sigma companies involved in personnel, Yue Laiyue more difficult question always make them linger, Ru Zhiliangrenyuan how Caineng of the products data from Shou Ji Zhong glance to discover the causes of product defects? Limited funding and harsh experimental test conditions, the researchers how to customize according to the best experimental design program? Another example of the production process after the data analysis so that production personnel can only see the "yesterday's story" can not achieve real-time control of the production process ... ... Now, with the rapid development of computer technology, statistics for the quality management provides a set of effective quality analysis and management methods. However, statistical analysis will be skillfully applied to the actual quality control work, but not many people can be very much at home.

In order for each quality, development, production, technology departments to become a professional understanding of the real "quality of experts", JMP Statistical Analysis of China has been committed to solutions and training courses for the development and promotion, the "high quality specialist training" curriculum is a series of such courses, one of China by the senior consultant JMP instruction in person. It is reported that, JMP China "High quality specialist training" courses have been many times in Beijing, Shanghai, success, participating in the training of Chinese enterprises, including DELL, Gateway and other world-class telecommunications joint semiconductor companies.

JMP is the industry's most advanced high-end statistical analysis of Six Sigma program, statistics from the world's largest software group SAS, as the "master of Six Sigma statistical analysis of the times." JMP prominent feature is easy to use, powerful and comprehensive statistics, data visualization (graphical analysis function) capability. Not only for sophisticated statistical or mathematical workers, quality improvement experts, Six Sigma Master Black Belt (MBB) do in-depth statistical analysis of data, but also can be significant even for beginners do not have the statistical background of the staff to to do more in-depth analysis of the data. It is reported that, JMP is not only to show their talents in the field of quality management, business intelligence analysis, market analysis and forecasting is an important tool for JMP is a rare one, for example, JMP is now being used for Fudan University EMBA teaching.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Youtube Video to PPC Products

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Supports YouTube video or any .flv and .swf file as input file. Supports not only YouTube video, but also various video formats as input file, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Supports a wide variety of output file format., including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Provides various profiles, these profiles can meet the needs of most people. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.