Monday, October 25, 2010

Eight motivate the staff more dynamic model [2]

Differences in incentives

People's needs include: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respect the need and demand some level of self-realization. When a needs are met, the staff will turn to other needs. Since each employee needs are very different, on a personal and effective incentives may be no effect on others. Managers should be different for employees of their individual rewards. For example: Some employees may also want higher wages, while others may not care about wages, but hope to have the free time off. Another example: some of the employees high wages, higher wages may not be as attractive to grant him "A-class salesman," the title of great appeal, because it makes him feel that they have status and respect. Everyone has their own personality traits. Employee's personality different, they should be doing different work. And employees can work personality matching employees feel satisfied and comfortable.

Equity incentive

Fair excitation source for American psychologists Adams Equity Theory. This theory: the work of subordinate motivation and enthusiasm not only by the impact of their absolute return, more importantly, also by the relative impact of rewards. Always subordinate to their own contributions and compensation with a person and his contribution to equal conditions and remuneration compared. When this ratio is equal, there will be fairness, the ease of mind and enthusiasm for; the other hand, would lead to discontent and grievances and complaints, even slack behavior.





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銆??涓夋槸鎺堜互鏉冭亴涔嬪悗锛屽繀椤昏鍏舵斁鎵嬪伐浣滐紝涓嶈妯姞骞叉秹锛屽惁鍒欏氨璋堜笉涓婄湡姝g殑淇¤禆鍜屾巿鏉冦?杩欐牱锛屾墠鑳借琚换鐢ㄨ?浜х敓鏈?匠蹇冪悊锛屼互婵?姳浠栦滑鍏呭垎鍙戞尌涓昏鑳藉姩浣滅敤銆?br />

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Next-generation iPhone were reviewed by the Ministry of Industry

Although the Apple iPhone has been introduced to China Unicom officially the mainland market, but because of the deletion of WiFi capabilities, resulting in a large number of users prefer the parallel imports, while China Unicom lost interest in iPhone version. In fact, the iPhone will soon join the WiFi function Unicom rumors, from Unicom started selling the iPhone has not stopped since the. Recently, we found the implementation of this program is conclusive evidence.

Last year in June, iPhone will enter China's message is through the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved the approval of the first radio equipment proven. Now, we have the Ministry of Industry and State Radio Monitoring Center of radio equipment approved query the database has a new discovery: April 26 that last Monday, a new Apple mobile phone has passed the approval of the radio monitoring center.

Machine model A1303, significantly different from the current sale of the A1324 (iPhone 3G) and A1325 (iPhone 3GS). The new machine name in the device column of information is cause for concern, in the original "GSM / WCDMA / Bluetooth mobile phone" basis, A1303 to join the WLAN (WAPI) features, such as rumors have said the same offer to China WAPI standard because of the support also has come the return of WiFi.

Not surprisingly, then, A1303 should be that Apple will release this summer, fourth-generation iPhone, which has entered the approval process of the facts indicates that this year, after the release of the new global iPhone may be faster to enter the domestic market.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Simple table space to talk about Visual Basic.NET transmission

VB.NET is still relatively common, so I've done some research VB.NET transmission table space out here and share with you, we want to be useful. Two databases (ltdb and epras), derived from ltdb tsts table space (user ts, including two data files) to epras


1.ltdb Exporting Transportable Tablespaces (to sysdba implementation of export) to the dmp file

2. Will ltdb the tsts tablespace to read-only

3. With the operating system command to copy the data files and dmp file to another location to another database epras use. If one server, dmp files can not copy, reproduce completed, will ltdb the tsts tablespace to read-write

4. Epras ts user database is created (this time without authorization)

5. Importing table space can VB.NET transmission (in sysdba implementation of import) to the dmp file to epras database

6. Epras the tsts table space will be changed to read and write, to ts authorized users

Benefits: and the data exp / imp than the fast, dmp files contain only 10g tablespace metadata support different platform tablespace transport, support Big Head / Head of transmission between the operating system version before the oracle can transmission characteristics of the table space can make the table space in the same architecture and operating systems migration.

In Oracle Database 10g, this limitation disappears: the same byte order as long as the operating system, you can transport tablespaces between platforms VB.NET. Some operating systems (including Windows) in the low memory address least significant byte stored using multi-byte binary data; so this system is known as low-address low-byte order. In contrast, other operating systems (including Solaris) will be most significant byte is stored in low memory addresses, so this system is known as low-address high byte order. When a low-address high-byte order of the system tried to address low-byte from a low-order system to read data requires a conversion process - otherwise, the byte order will lead to the correct interpretation can not read data.

However, when the platform in the same byte order transfer table space between the VB.NET do not need any conversion. 10g tablespace cross-platform migration, compared with 9i is to increase the use Rman to a file format conversion process.

Check the table space to be converted

EXECUTE DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK ('tswin1, tswin2', TRUE); PL / SQL procedure successfully completed. 'Is there a conflict SELECT backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp FROM TRANSPORT_SET_VIOLATIONS; no rows selected 'run rman rman TARGET / CONVERT TABLESPACE tswin1, tswin2 TO PLATFORM' Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) 'FORMAT' / tmp / rman /% U ';' in the above example, the converted file name is difficult to identify and difficult to associated with the original files 'can also use other formats for the data file named CONVERT TABLESPACE tswin1, tswin2 TO PLATFORM' Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) 'db_file_name_convert' / tmp / LTDB ',' / tmp / rman '' This will converted to retain the file name. backup / bin / conf / data / log / maint / svn / tmp /

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